Research interests: Artistic research/ Curatorial practice/ Museum-graphy/ Museum-logy
The group is articulated through the shared need to think in common the spaces and methods of knowledge generation around the arts and, specifically, curatorial practices and the exhibition devices they produce. The group's research is committed to the generation of relational and situated knowledge and to a multidirectional transfer, which operates from the exploration of collective research practices.
Bárbara Bayarri
PhD candidate in Philosophy (UAB), Master in Art and Design Research (EINA), Master in Cultural Management (UOC) and Graduate in Philosophy (UAB). Her research focuses on contemporary curatorial practices and how knowledge is generated and transferred in exhibitions. She has worked as a documenter, curator and exhibition coordinator at the Museu Picasso, Fundació Josep Guinovart and Fundació Joan Brossa, respectively.
Artur Muñoz
PhD in Philosophy (UAB) - PDI (EINA), Master in Art and Design Research (EINA), Graduate in Photography and Digital Creation (UPC). His research focuses on mapping, questioning and proposing new forms of Artistic Research. At the same time, he develops projects as a curatorial artist focusing on the relational act and directs the project Tàndem between Fundació Arranz-Bravo and l'Ajuntament de l'Hospitalet. During the period 2009-2018 he participated in the creation of the Educational Service of the Fundació Arranz-Bravo and the Educational Service of Can Manyé schools. To this day he maintains links with both institutions.
Marta Gracia Valladares
Graduate in Art History (UB) and Master in Humanities - Arts, Culture and Society (UOC). Her research focuses on the visual arts, specifically in the fields of artistic research, ACTS projects and artist-in-residence programmes. She is currently working on the conceptualisation and coordination of exhibition and artistic mediation programmes for artistic and cultural institutions such as the Artes Santa Mònica and the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona. She also works as a collaborating lecturer for the Degree in Animation, Design and Digital Arts at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and the Degree in Arts at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Between 2011 and 2020 she coordinated the research area of the artistic production and research centre Hangar, where she was also responsible for the implementation of this new department.
Gisela Chillida
BA in Art History (UB) - MA in Advanced Studies in Art History (UB). Her research focuses on the artistic "work", especially on the relationship between artistic production and its public presentation outside the art-institution. She is currently content coordinator of the cultural platform Hänsel* i Gretel*. Between 2018 and 2020, she was Director of the LOOP Discover Video Art Award, in the framework of LOOP Barcelona. Art critic and independent curator. She writes regularly for the magazines and publications Bonart, Hänsel i Gretel, La Maleta de Portbou and A*Desk, among others.