einaidea launches ALTR⧹ES, a Program of Other Studies to critically foster practices in art, design and the post-humanities. In order to both complete and contest the path of formal studies, this program offers an intensive research training to further participants’ work through shared modes of affection and alteration. ALTR⧹ES stems from the constant exchange of theory-praxis, of poetics and production, and explores the porosity of creative and cognitive disciplines in their need to mutate and redefine themselves before contemporary urgencies.
In a context of environmental, geopolitical and symbolic crisis—ecogenocide, censorship, bewilderment—ALTR⧹ES embraces alteration beyond merely conceptual or gestural levels of critique, seeking structural transformations instead. Art, design, and critical labor affect our worlds insofar as they disrupt and illuminate them, resist and diverge—all the more so when they prove themselves capable of contaminating and challenging mundane operations. The transversal pathways offered by teachers and tutors of ALTR⧹ES go from sonic architectures to alien philosophies, from network-based filmmaking to the choreographic experiment, from perspectivist ethnologies to cultural resistance, from design fictions to migrant dystopias, from graphics to healings, from collective technologies to techno-dissidence. ALTR⧹ES articulates, in a cohesive system, einaidea’s expertise resulting from five years of roaming activity and collaboration-based practice.
In 2024–25, the first edition of ALTR⧹ES will feature David Bestué, Mohamad Bitari, Søren Evinson, María García Ruiz, Beatrice de Gelder, Adrià Julià, Adriana Knouf, Prem Krishnamurthy, Sara Nadal-Melsió, Ana Ramo, Alex Reynolds, Idoia Zabaleta and Gediminas Žygus among other guest faculty. The program will also establish synergies with einaidea’s public activities in partnership with organizations across and beyond the city of Barcelona. ALTR⧹ES is co-curated by Lara García Díaz and Manuel Cirauqui, who are joined by an Advisory Council comprised of Jordi Colomer, Víctor García Tur, Rosa Lleó, Mireia Molina Costa, Miquel Molins, Laia Estruch and Jara Rocha.
As Fundació Eina’s research and cultural programming platform, einaidea was founded in 2019 in Barcelona with the vocation of altering the normalized protocols of art and design. Since then, einaidea has organized workshop-based exhibitions and site-specific artworks; designed books and publication series as well as symposia and para-academic courses; delivered experimental graphic identities for major festivals and micro events; and produced visual environments or VR architectures. einaidea approaches such practices as a generative common ground, addressing their combinatory potential so that new profiles can emerge and transform our immediate future. These figures will be other⧹s by embracing radical singularities, choral and interdependent identities—alterities that einaidea’s Program of Other Studies will insist on cultivating.