Projects 6

Free Method

In this course, a free approach to design will be taken within the options of speculative design, experimental design, service design, and commercial design.

Experimental design emphasises the phases of testing processes and formalisations in project practice, looking for multiple solutions and approaching them in different ways. 

Commercial design focuses on the development of sales-oriented projects following a problem-solution paradigm that is integrated within current and contemporary market dynamics.

Service design is based on the planning and organisation of resources for the improvement of the user experience with emphasis on the strategic development of the project.

Speculative design emphasises the development of future and alternative scenarios to realise plausible projects, and activates the critical capacity of design and the designer. 

The student will have to choose two of the above typologies and develop them in line with the theme proposed by the teaching team. During the classes, two projects will be carried out at the proposal of each student.  

The contents will be related to the theme proposed by the teaching team. The team, with a multidisciplinary profile, will be responsible of generating learning through sessions of applied knowledge for each of the disciplines of design-graphic, spaces, product, culture, visual creation-, as well as sessions aimed at the specific training of the student to face the next step in their academic curriculum: the TFG. 

- Teaching Guide Project 6 - International
- Teaching Guide Project 6 - Graphic Design
- Teaching Guide Project 6 - Visual creation
- Teaching Guide Project 6 - Product
- Teaching Guide Project 6 - Spaces

